Choose the best wallet- Get a MetaMask login account today!

 As it is clear by the subject head, we strongly believe that the crypto journey you have now can effectively be enhanced by the decision you make while choosing the cryptocurrency exchange platform and the cryptocurrency wallet services. And we would like to help you through your journey if you choose MetaMask to be your companion.

Here, in this part of the read, we’ll be walking you through exclusive details and procedures that we believe are significant to optimize your time with the Metamask login accounts (web browser extension). Reading on, you’ll walk through the procedures of installing the wallet service and fixes to frequent issues of the wallet.

Install and set up a password to your MetaMask wallets

Here, we’ll be walking you through the easy steps of installation and creating a safe storage space along with setting up password protection on your default Chrome browser:

  1. First and foremost, head towards the official webpage of MetaMask.
  2. Spot and get into “Download” and choose the icon you see for Chrome.
  3. On redirection, first, hit “Add to Chrome” and then go into “Add Extension”.

Now, that you’ve completed the installation, let us help you set up reliable password protection for your MetaMask login wallet account:

  1. Tap on the link reading “Get Started” as you launch the extension.
  2. “Create a Wallet” and then properly read the stated “Terms of Use”.
  3. On agreeing, choose the appropriate answer (go forth with “I Agree”).
  4. Settle on a password (preferably with the help of a password manager).
  5. Confirm that you’ve decided to agree to the terms and move to “Create”.

MetaMask login accounts need some help from you

Well, what is life without some challenges and hindrances, right? Let us help you with troubleshooting the two most frequent issues with your accounts on the MetaMask wallet extension as stated below:

Malfunctioning of the wallet extension

  • Updated devices and web browsers are a must for smooth operation.
  • Review that you are using a reliable network that doesn’t face interruptions.
  • If this is the case, make sure you replace the in-use network and/or the in-use device.
  • If nothing works, it is imperative that you get in touch with customer support.

Unable to find the installed wallet extension

  1. On your browser’s toolbar, choose the icon that looks like a puzzle piece.
  2. You’ll make your way into the list of all the pre-installed extensions.
  3. Spot and hit on the option that reads “MetaMask” to get in and begin using it.


This short but descriptive read has been focused on helping you understand that your entire crypto journey somehow, gets affected by the choices you make regarding the exchange platforms and the wallet services.

Then, we’ll help you begin your journey through a MetaMask login account, which is given by one of the best crypto wallets launched over time. You learned about the extension installation and registration steps followed by troubleshooting ways to overcome two of the most frequently occurring issues of the wallet service.

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